Friday, October 30, 2009

One down, many to go

The "Critical Issues" paper is done!!!! At least the draft of it is done. Now there is much sleep to be caught up on. Although I did not find the research to be surprising, I did find it to be quite interesting. The "digital divide" is still a major problem in this country. I find the research interesting because I get to experience it first hand. Greenfield is certainly a high poverty area, with over 80 percent of students on free and/or reduced lunch. Our school has a nice computer lab with one computer for each student. Yet we do not have a computer teacher, no students are enrolled in a computer elective, classrooms do not really have computers that students can use. Research has shown that if we want students to use the computers to find information, computers with internet access must be placed in the classroom.

On the project, it is beginning to take shape. Students have selected their groups, by Monday they will have selected their topics, and script writing will begin shortly after that. I have already enlisted the help of a few other teachers where students can record their podcasts in peace. However, there is much work to be done on my end that needs to be done in terms of learning the ends and outs of garage band software.

Happy computing everybody!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt,
    Como estas? I agree with you that unfortuantely the digital divide is still a huge issue around the world. I see this divide everday among my students as well. As a computer instructor I try to narrow this gap, but believe me it is not always an easy ride. I try to help those students who do not have technology resocurces at home, outside of class to have them better prepared. I want them to be eqaully prepared out in the employment world it is imperative that I help my students. I hope that this divide will decrease with time.
